O, Hunter Heart Posters and Prints
About The Poster:
- Premium Print Quality
- Perfect Size: multiple dimensions
- 12"x18" inch (30x45 cm)
- 16"x24" inch (40x60 cm)
- 24"x36" inch (60x90 cm)
- Easy to Display
About The Movie:
Inspired by the poetry of Edwin Morgan where natural and domestic worlds collide and the hidden animal instincts of humans rise to the surface, this poetic visual narrative features voices from interviews recorded around the UK, woven into an evocative soundtrack. Stop motion puppets and live action footage combine to tell a dark love story.
Tags: Christopher Andrews, Scott Senogles, Hannah Peel, Animation 2018, Valerie Andrews, 2018, O, Hunter Heart, BFI, Amy Cutler, United Kingdom, Carla MacKinnon, Annie Huang,